Apero 聖誕系列 - 兔子毛毯藍色 - 美利奴羊毛 - 60x90cm


New keeper of your baby’s dreams - Animal blanket - in the most popular color! Merino wool saves from the cold air, details in volume give so much fun, The different color adds a coziness to the room.

  • we use only eco-friendly merino wool, so it can’t provide allergy and blanket is able to use since the first day of life;
  • unique merino wool’s features provide healthy sleep;
  • interactive details help to develop motor skills and have fun;
  • feature of hygroscopicity keeps wool dry even at high humidity;
  • designed in Paris, produced in Siberia;
  • every blanket is packed in a brand bag

Materials:  80% merino wool | 20% acrylic
Specification:60 x 90 cm

我們的產品號碼: 202009
