Growing your family is a big and exciting thing and whilst some people might assume that you’ve ‘done it all before’ there are plenty of new challenges to face and experiences to enjoy being pregnant the second (or third or fourth or fifth!) time around. One of those, in particular, is dealing with pregnancy whilst already being a mother.
Plenty will be different – chances are there are fewer opportunities for putting your feet up this time – but there are some things that shouldn’t have to change and one of those, at least for the earlier portion of your pregnancy, is babywearing.
Is it safe to babywear while pregnant and will I be comfortable?
The short answer is that if you are healthy and have no medical reason to avoid lifting loads then yes, babywearing during at least the early months of your pregnancy shouldn’t pose any risk to you or your children. To set your mind at rest though, check in with your healthcare provider, especially if you don’t already regularly carry your child, as most consider babywearing a type of physical activity.
The benefits of babywearing while pregnant are no different from babywearing before you got pregnant, and can even be greater if you have a child who needs extra reassurance about becoming an older sibling. Babywearing is an excellent way to bond with your older children, and it can still be safe and comfortable even with an expanding bump when you use the right baby carrier, choose the right position, and listen to your body.
Which carrier is best for pregnant babywearing?
If you already have a baby carrier then chances are you can continue to use it throughout your pregnancy but of course if you have any particular concerns or conditions that might be affected by babywearing during pregnancy then do speak to your healthcare provider about these. If you don’t already have a baby carrier then you should consider a carrier that will not only work for you with this child but with your new baby when they arrive too.
As you lose space at the front then a hip or back carry is a great alternative position once your child is old enough – they need to demonstrate strong head and neck control and weigh a minimum of 17.2 lbs / 7.8 kg – this is usually around six months. Our Original, Adapt, All Position 360 and Omni carriers all offer both these positions and you can also do a back carry with our Aerloom carrier. The Aerloom, Adapt and Omni models are also suitable from birth without an infant insert so are a good choice if you intend to carry the new baby when they arrive too.
Are there any other tips or tricks I can try?
As well as aiming for a carrier that allows hip and back carry options there are some tricks you can try to accommodate your growing bump. When back carrying try fixing the waistband below your belly if your baby is tall enough or above your belly if you have a smaller torso or your baby is still on the smaller side.
Many pregnant women find themselves ‘running hot’ during pregnancy, particularly those who will find themselves pregnant during the warmer summer months. If this is you then it’s worth considering one of our Cool Air Mesh, SoftFlexMesh or FormaKnit carriers which will help keep you both cooler.
Above all, listen to your body. Pregnant bodies have different aches and pains to non-pregnant ones and many women find they get tired more quickly while pregnant too, all of which can affect your ability to babywear. If you’re experienced in babywearing you’ll know what feels normal and what doesn’t but if you’re still new to babywearing then take it slow. No matter your experience level, don’t hesitate to speak to your healthcare provider if you have any questions about what can be considered normal and keep talking to them as your bump gets bigger. After about five months it’s a great idea to make sure they’re happy for you to continue babywearing. Bear this in mind once baby arrives too, it might be a good idea to just carry your newborn while your body recovers but again, speak to your healthcare providers, they will be able to give you the best advice for you and your family.
Hopefully you’ll be able to keep exploring the world with your little one kept close for as long as possible before a whole new adventure starts!
Can I Use a Baby Carrier when Pregnant?