Ergobaby 嬰兒插墊 - 灰色,原創款




當您使用Ergobaby 基本款和四式360嬰兒背帶時,心連心嬰兒護墊可讓您以符合人體工學的方式背抱新生兒*,讓小寶寶更貼近您,如同被包覆在安穩舒適的幼巢中。其符合人體工學的設計,是特別針對小寶寶在早期發育中,大腿、脊椎和頭頸所需的支撐力。護墊和背帶的接合相當牢固,放入小寶寶時輕鬆直接且具透氣功能。

* 最少7 磅/ 3.2 公斤適用





我們的產品號碼: 58342

Johnathon Hevern
  Really good, but not perfect
Reviewed on: 2021-11-04
Verified Purchase
Great experience. Comfy and worked great. Only downside was that 1 of the buttons didn’t hold very well - it did not impact its use though.

Jess Malcolm-Roberts
  Saved us!
Reviewed on: 2021-09-03
Verified Purchase
We absolutely loved the snug seat and cannot rate it highly enough. Our little girl had many sleep issues from very early on, but she loved being in the carrier with this seat from the very first time we used it. She would fall asleep within a couple of minutes of walking and it was the only guaranteed sleep she would get. We used it every day from when she was about 6 weeks old (which was when we bought it). She has only just grown big enough to use the carrier without it at 3.5 months old. Do not know how I would have survived without this. Easy to use, comfortable for me, comfortable for baby, well worth the price. Highly recommend.
