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Welcome to one of the most lovely, crazy, messy, challenging yet beautiful experiences ever. With 5 little ones between us (including twins) Hayley and I know where you are at right now.. In the first couple of months, life with a newborn baby .. Read More

A common sleep challenge that we see is little ones getting too cold, particularly in the second half of the night. Let’s talk TOG, layers + other tips to stay warm so that you can keep your little one sleeping soundly and warm throughout the e.. Read More

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Choosing a Woolbabe Sleeping Bag is one of the best steps towards introducing a sleep association for your baby, but what is a sleep association and what else can you do to help your Woolbabe bag work it’s magic? Whether you call i.. Read More

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Creating a Successful Bedtime Routine for Your Baby As a parent, establishing a good bedtime routine for your baby is essential to help them sleep through the night. But what does that entail, and how can you ensure the routine is effective? This .. Read More