Pregnancy can seem like an eternity for many women, and can often drag on for days or weeks past the baby’s predicted due date. By the last couple of weeks of pregnancy, many women are looking for ways to speed things along and help get labor started. A pregnancy is generally considered full-term once the baby reaches 37 weeks gestation. Inductions done before that time pose a risk to the baby, and should only be done after careful consideration by an obstetrician.
There are many methods for naturally inducing labor that have been used for a long time. Many midwives still swear by some of these alternative methods of induction, believing them to be more gentle and less risky for both the mother and her baby than most of the current medical or pharmaceutical interventions. However, women should never attempt to induce labor on their own without first consulting their doctor or midwife.
Two acupressure points on the body are believed to stimulate contractions and labor. Those two points are located four finger-widths above the ankle on your inner calf, and in between your thumb and forefinger on your hand. Applying pressure directly to these areas for short periods of time over the course of the day might help trigger contractions in some women.
Castor Oil:
The idea of using castor oil to stimulate contractions has been around for a very long time. Castor oil causes cramping and diarrhea, which is believed by some to trigger sympathetic uterine contractions. However, diarrhea in pregnant women can quickly lead to dehydration - which is not only dangerous but can leave the body too tired to effectively deal with hours of labor and pushing.
Evening Primrose Oil:
Another source of prostaglandins is evening primrose oil. EPO can be taken internally or applied directly to the cervix in hopes of causing the cervix to soften in preparation for delivery. Studies haven’t shown any harm from using EPO in the last month of pregnancy, and many midwives actually use it on their pregnant patients to get things moving along. Do not put anything into your body without first asking your doctor about it.
For some women, sex can be a safe and fun way to help bring on labor. Semen contains prostaglandins, which cause the cervix to soften and prepare to open, and orgasms produce oxytocin, the hormone that causes contractions. Unless you have been told by your doctor that you should abstain from sex, there is no harm in using this method to attempt to jumpstart the onset of labor.
Nipple Stimulation:
Like an orgasm, nipple stimulation causes the release of the hormone oxytocin. This method requires 15 minutes of continual stimulation of each nipple per hour, and must be continued for several hours each day in order to see any progress.
Membrane Stripping:
Stripping of the membranes is an invasive procedure done by a midwife or doctor and should not be attempted at home. Your doctor will insert his or her fingers into your cervix and sweep from side to side, irritating and stretching your cervix. Many women find this process to be extremely uncomfortable, and it often takes several attempts before labor begins. Obstetricians often recommend this procedure to women that are near or have gone beyond their expected due date.
Inducing Labor Naturally During Pregnancy